Spending More Time on Counting Stock, Checking Bills Rather than Selling Inventory?
The right inventory software can provide major time saving benefits. Free up your human resources for more profitable tasks by automating your inventory tracking. Choosing the appropriate software for your business can even help you eliminate time consuming manual processes by alerting you to which items need to be re-ordered and when.
No matter what size your company is, you need to accurately track inventory to maximize your profitability and reduce overhead expenses. Inventory software takes the guesswork out of keeping appropriate stock levels and costing. They allow you to efficiently gather key information needed to make informed and insightful decisions.
Features and Benefits
Menu and Fields Assignment According to Users
The system provides an option to assign menus and fields to specific users. Users will have access to only menus or fields that have been assigned to them based on your security policies.
Transaction Tracking
The system automatically records the user name, date, time and field that has been modified.
Minimum and Maximum Stock Level Reminder
To reduce overstocking and to avoid shortage of stock for delivery, the system has an alert function when the stock level falls below the minimum or rises above the maximum level.
Partial Delivery
Manage your backlog of orders and link multiple Delivery Orders and Invoices to sales orders.
Available Stock quantity on hand and outstanding Purchase order
Provide immediate information to user when quantity is sufficient for delivery.
Multiple Units of Measurement
The system allows users to select different units of measurement with different pricing while issuing bills. Conversion to the base unit is automated for stock calculation purposes.
Multi Currency Trading
Inventory offers flexible and effective multi currency billing. Selling prices and item costing are automatically converted to the local currency for reporting purposes.
Credit Limit and Term Control
By setting the credit limit and payment terms, the system will enforce restrictions on issuing bills for extra security and control.
Selling Price Control
The system has the option of blocking items from being sold below a specified price.
Multi Location, Branches, Warehouse and Consignment
The system allows stock transfer and consignment to multiple locations and branches.
Kit Items and Assembly Items
Automatically calculate cost and quantities of the components to build finish products. Insufficient components for such items will be reported to user.
Swap Parts
Assembly components can be changed to other components even after defining the assembly requirements.
User Defined Fields
Additional fields can be defined by the user to accommodate text values, numeric values or even formulas.